Mistakes people make with their whey protein shakes
The focus has shifted in the world of sports nutrition from the importance of carbohydrates to that of protein. While “carbo loading” is still a popular approach when gearing up for an endurance event such as a marathon, the real difference-maker in terms of everyday workouts is protein, or more specifically, whey protein. This is because a growing body of research has shown that, when combined with regular exercise, taking whey protein helps build muscle, improve lean body mass, and boost metabolism.
With many people jumping on the whey wagon, there’s bound to be a scourge of whey protein mistakes. For example, packing in too much of other high calorie ingredients to your recovery meal can skew your results. Stick to a few healthy ingredients in addition to the whey protein, such as skim milk and berries. Even tossing a scoop into a nonfat yogurt will achieve the goal of a low calorie, high protein snack. But don’t skimp on the protein in order to cut back on calories. Too little will not help you achieve optimal results.
Make the whey work for you
In terms of the amount of whey protein to use after a workout, the general rule of thumb is 20 grams of whey protein isolate within the first hour. However, you may want to use more or less depending on the level of exertion. And keep in mind that too much of a good thing is not necessarily good. With the new information emerging about how beneficial protein is, you don’t want to go overboard. The only people who should be “protein loading” are bodybuilders. The average person should still follow the guidelines on how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats they need in a day.
One of the biggest “mistakes with shakes” you can make is not reading the label. All protein shakes are not created equal. Check to make sure you’re getting lean protein, without added fats and carbohydrates, and that the supplement you choose contains all the branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) that serve as building blocks for muscle. If you look at the nutrition chart on Flex Fit Pro’s whey protein isolate, you’ll see one serving contains a whopping 27 grams of protein and the essential BCAAs all for only 116 calories.
Your routine
If you like do get up early for your workout routine, then you may choose not to eat first. You don’t have to be concerned with drinking whey protein on an empty stomach unless you have an intolerance to one of the ingredients. In this case, you should probably choose an alternative option. If you’re frustrated with your lack of progress, check the tips above to see if you’re making mistakes.
Moving forward, make sure you take a high quality, low calorie whey protein isolate within an hour after your workout, skip the extra calorie add-ins, and stay within the recommended guidelines for amount of protein per day.